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APS Educator Effectiveness

Colorado Law

The Colorado Legislature, through the passage of House Bills 1338, 1159, 1089, Senate Bill 10-191 and the Colorado Educator Licensing Act, requires that each school district in the state of Colorado develop a written instrument for evaluating licensed staff. The Aurora Public Schools Licensed Educator Evaluation System is aligned with state statute and state licensure requirements.

The Master Agreement between AEA and the Aurora Public Schools (Article 36; Evaluation) as well as the procedures and regulations outlined in these guidelines, govern the evaluation of licensed non-administrative school professionals. These policies and regulations are in full compliance with CRS 22-9-106(1) (c) and Senate Bill 10-191.

As of July 2013, all Colorado districts and BOCES must have implemented an evaluation system aligned with educator quality standards and the State Board Rules.

Senate Bill 10-191 changed the way all educators (principals/assistant principals, teachers and specialized service professionals) are to be evaluated in Colorado with the ultimate goal of continuously supporting educators' professional growth and, in turn, accelerating student results.

S.B. 10-191 requirements include:

  • Annual evaluations

  • Quality Standards defining effectiveness. The Quality Standards account for half of an educator's annual evaluation

  • Quality Standard 5-Teachers/Principals measures student learning/outcomes over time and accounts for the other half.

  • Non-probationary status is earned after three consecutive years of demonstrated effectiveness

  • Non-probationary status is lost after two consecutive years of less than effective ratings