Evaluator Support Information

Licensed Employee Evaluation Rubrics

Licensed Development Plans

State Model Rubrics

Teacher Rubric 

Special Education Teacher Rubric

Teacher Librarian Rubric

Instructional TOSA Rubric

APS Teacher Rubric "Look For" Document: This "Look For" document is a tool that can be used by both Evaluators and Teachers.  It is designed to provide some examples of practices that an educator can engage in to demonstrate the professional practices of the rubric.  It is not meant to be a checklist and should be used with the educator's context in mind.

Licensed Employee Development Plans (LEDPs): PGP-Structured PGP-LEDP-

This document explains the processes for developing Professional Growth Plans for all licensed staff, Structured Growth Plans for those educators needing additional supports and Licensed Employee Development Plan for intensive support.

The purpose of a Licensed Employee Development Plan is to improve a non-probationary educator's instructional performance with the desire to prevent a less than effective Final Effectiveness Rating and/or to support the educator in achieving a rating level of “Proficient” or above for one or more Standards.

Evaluators, please contact your HR Director and Instructional Director  with any questions regarding implementation of an LEDP and supporting materials.

Probationary/ Non-Probationary Status 

Non-Probationary Evaluation Appeal Process

Probationary/ Non-Probationary Status: According to SB 10-191

State law requires that each school district provide an appeal process to allow Non-Probationary educators who receive a second consecutive rating of ineffective or partially effective to appeal that rating.  The intent of the appeal process is to determine if the final evaluation rating was appropriately applied and identify whether or not an educator retains non-probationary status.