State Model Evaluation System
Aurora Public Schools has adopted the Colorado State Model Evaluation System developed by the Colorado Department of Education.
Evaluation Support Information
The Colorado State Model Evaluation System was guided by the recommendations by the State Council for Educator Effectiveness. The Rules and Regulations promulgated by the State Board of Education allow districts to choose to use the Colorado State Model Evaluation System OR create their own system as long as the system created adheres to state statute and rules.
Effective educators are the single most important school based factor determining student success and have a far-reaching and profound impact on their students. To achieve maximum results with students, educators need clear, frequent feedback about how their teaching and leadership impact student learning.
The development of the Colorado State Model Evaluation System was guided by five key priorities:
Data should inform decisions, but human judgment will always be an essential component of evaluations
The implementation and evaluation of the system must embody continuous improvement.
The purpose of the system is to provide meaningful and credible feedback that improves performance.
The development and implementation of the evaluation systems must continue to involve stakeholders in a collaborative process.
Educator evaluations must take place within a larger system that is aligned and supportive.